干式恒温器简介 干式恒温器取代了传统的水浴加热方式,新型的数控金属加热方式可广泛应用于酶制剂反应,血清灭活试验,Rh血样研究,交叉配血,以及胆固醇的鉴定检测等多个领域。 Instead of tradional water heating method, these newly desinged ,digital dry baths are ideal for enzyme reactions, inactivation of sera, Rh studies, blood cross-matching and cholesterol determinations. 2干式恒温器特点 特点:Features 1. 选取智能温控器,数字显示,PID调节,温控范围从室温+5-150℃,*实验需要,且设有上限温度报警功能,使操作更加安全。 Choose inligence temperature controller with a digital display, PID control, the range of temperature is from 5℃ above ambient to 150℃. it is able to fulfill experiment requirement. Built-in heat-triggered protector can make the operation more securely. 2. 经过表面氧化处理的加热块清洁美观,使用寿命更长,可根据要求定制不同孔径和数量模块,满足使用者需求。 Anodized aluminum heating blocks are clean and beautiful, extending using life. We can offer different size holes of the block according the demand. 3. 斜面的操作板设计使操作更加直观。 Sloped control panel makes controls highly visible.